XAG Smart Agriculture Conference 2020 Photos
XAG JetSeed™ Ruoergai Grassland Event Photos
XSpace Building
2018 XAAC Event Photos
The Sustainable Farming Programme Launch Event
2017 XAAC Event Photos
2:35Sichuan Ruoergai Grassland Ecological Restoration
4:37XAIRCRAFT XP Introduction Showreel
2:00The Sustainable Farming Programme ConceptConcept video of the Sustainable Farming Programme, how we use technology to empower agriculture.
2:02XAIRCRAFT P30 Introduction Showreel
1:03XAIRCRAFT P20 Orchard Spraying for Citrus Trees
1:04XGeomatics C2000 Mapping UAS
1:42X.A.R.T in Sichuan after the earthquake
1:51XAIRCRAFT 2016 Concept Video